Sorex minutus 1, Dwergspitsmuis, Saxifraga-Rudmer Zwerver Pygmy shrew is hiding  Pygmy shrew is hiding in moss : Eurasian, Sorex, alive, animal, background, brown, cute, ears, environment, fauna, floor, fluffy, forest, fur, gray, grey, ground, habitat, hair, hairy, insectivore, life, macro, mammal, minutus, mouse, natural, nature, outdoor, pet, portrait, primitive, pygmy, shrew, side, small, tail, view, wild, wildlife Eurasian pygmy shrew in habitat  Eurasian pygmy shrew in natural habitat : Eurasian, Sorex, alive, animal, background, brown, cute, ears, environment, fauna, floor, fluffy, forest, fur, gray, grey, ground, habitat, hair, hairy, insectivore, life, macro, mammal, minutus, mouse, natural, nature, outdoor, pet, portrait, primitive, pygmy, shrew, side, small, tail, view, wild, wildlife Eurasian pygmy shrew in forest  Eurasian pygmy shrew on forest floor : Eurasian, Sorex, alive, animal, background, brown, cute, ears, environment, fauna, floor, fluffy, forest, fur, gray, grey, ground, habitat, hair, hairy, insectivore, life, macro, mammal, minutus, mouse, natural, nature, outdoor, pet, portrait, primitive, pygmy, shrew, side, small, tail, view, wild, wildlife
Pygmy Shrew  The Eurasian Pygmy Shrew is one of the smallest mammals in the world : Eurasian, Sorex, alive, animal, background, brown, cute, ears, environment, fauna, floor, fluffy, forest, fur, gray, grey, ground, habitat, hair, hairy, insectivore, life, macro, mammal, minutus, mouse, natural, nature, outdoor, pet, portrait, primitive, pygmy, shrew, side, small, tail, view, wild, wildlife The Eurasian Pygmy Shrew  The Eurasian Pygmy Shrew is one of the smallest mammals in the world : Eurasian, Sorex, alive, animal, background, brown, cute, ears, environment, fauna, floor, fluffy, forest, fur, gray, grey, ground, habitat, hair, hairy, insectivore, life, macro, mammal, minutus, mouse, natural, nature, outdoor, pet, portrait, primitive, pygmy, shrew, side, small, tail, view, wild, wildlife